Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Science Behind Shopping

If you had a choice between purchasing a perfume manufactured in Paris and one that is manufactured in Dallas which one would you choose? Well if you are like me and chose Paris you are also like the 9 out of 10 people. So what does that means? It means subliminal advertising! I was watching the Today’s Show on NBC this morning and was captivated by this piece.
Check it out:
(Just click on the video launch)

Author Martin Lindstrom “Buyology: Truth and Lies About What We Buy,” which explains the scientific reasoning behind purchasing habits. Martin Lindstorm conducted an experiment where he performed functional MRI’S on various people to determine whether the subconscious has a roll in people’s purchasing habits. He concluded that the subconscious roll plays a great roll on how we buy products. One of the examples he uses is the controversy behind Calvin Klein commercials. The controversy behind the Calvin Klein jeans intrigues the consumer and thus makes them desire it. There are many examples that he provides that are worth checking out!

After watching this piece I may think twice of when purchasing a certain product. Maybe you will too?

1 comment:

jocelyne said...


We can all think we are so in control of our purchasing...but really our subconcious has a big role! Kind of scary when you think about it...scary yet intriguing...