Monday, January 12, 2009

Loblaws will charge for plastic bags

Do you really think this is about the $$$ ??

I mean, I'm sure it's a nice touch!

Makes you think of other instances where it isn't really about the money. It's about thoughts, feelings, emotions, and other associations that money can provide. Prestige. Exclusivity. Illusion of a great deal. Urgency. All sorts of things.

Check out the article. There is a picture of Mr. Weston, that handsome devil.


Dan said...

I think it's good on Loblaws to get rid of the plastic bags. They have done very well with the $0.99 recycled bags - the Loblaw Superstore in Milton, ON does not have any plastic bags at the checkout!

jocelyne said...

I guess it's one of the 5 or so pilot stores that Galen was talking about.

Anonymous said...

I like pizza