Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Cassies - I love this site!

When I was solving the Frito Lay challenge last year, I think I stayed up late with the group one night checking out the website of the Cassies, the Canadian Advertising Success Stories. This gave us a lot of inspiration about how to create a successful marketing campaign. I love the videos and the pages and pages of reasoning why the particular campaign was selected as the best.

I think my favourites are the Pepsi "Forever Young" commercials, and the Juicy Fruit case. Not only were these hilarious, but they also got the job done (and not just in a small way) The analysis, strategy, and the creative together prove CATEGORICALLY that the marketing efforts caused an increase in sales. If you are one of those who believes that marketing doesn't work, take some time and spend it on this website! Not all in one place, though.

The crossover notes are practically required reading for any marketing student (hint, hint Apprentices!). So get to it!

P.S. JAN Kelley Marketing won a Cassie for work on a small budget in 2006 with, check out the Case Library. I can still recall their catchphrase from the radio..."Those who get it, save." :)

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