Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Team Titan Representing!!!!!

So I realize this blog has been up for the past 2 and a half months and it's just NOW that I am writing....My apologies, my summer has literally been all over the place!

So my MARS apprentice adventure took place in my 3rd year which was the 3rd season (2007) with TEAM TITAN. It was nothing short of amazing. Really! I know it's easy to say but it really was quite a unique experience. It was my opportunity to use what I was taught in the classroom and translate them to the 'boardroom'. You never really know how much you actually know until your put it to good use. I won't sugarcoat it however, MARS Apprentice was incredibly daunting and a lot of hard work, but with the aid of my fellow team members, who pretty much became my roommates (since we spend every waking moment together), I made it through. Hard work always pays off though - I was lucky enough to be the recipient of Harveys Tuition Reimbursement Scholarship of $6000. I was very thankful (EXTREMELY) thankful for that, let me tell you! So overall, I give the program 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up and further praise Malik for this idea. P.S. Malik, YOUR THE MAN!!!!!


Well, I recently graduated from the DeGroote School of Business and I am in the same position as many of my fellow graduates: CONFUSED! Since school ended, I took a six week internship at MTV Canada with an attempt to kick my foot through the entertainment industry doors. Everyone in the business school knows I want to be in the entertainment industry, either using my degree or dancing ;) Let me tell you MTV was an experience and a half. But that is another story... nonetheless I certainly know that this is the industry I need to be in. Since MTV ended, I have been interviewing for several positions - entertainment marketing, communications type positions - just to get basic experience. WISH ME LUCK!!!

Good Luck to the 2009 participants and anyone involved with the competition. I will be up to watch the boardrooms when I can!!! :)


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